La política social en la UE. Consideración especial de la política de pensiones.


  • Miren Etxezarreta UAB, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


pensions, privatization, social policy of the EU, financial capital


  This article reviews critically the reasons given since the mid-nineties to justify the privatization of public pensions, especially in relation with the European Union position. After a very short introduction about the treatment of social policy in the EU, the arguments presented by the international institutions mainly the World Bank and the EU to sustain the “unsostenibility” and crisis of the public pension systems are reviewed as well as the recommendations for reform, that consist mainly in diminishing the benefits of public pensions and favouring the expansion of private pension systems. These arguments and proposals are critically revised and the real reasons for the trend towards privatization are advanced. The conclusión being that privatization of pension systems is not justified and therefore it is not necessary but is due to the interests of financial capital and that it very seriously harms the interests of old people and the maintenance of a real social policy.



How to Cite

Etxezarreta, M. (2021). La política social en la UE. Consideración especial de la política de pensiones. Journal of Critical Economics, 1(6), 27–57. Retrieved from



Social, health and pension policy issues